PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk Job Vacancies are vacancies from coal mining company that supply coal for the world energy market.
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk Profile
Established in 1987, PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. (ITM) is a renowned Indonesian coal supplier for the world energy market. The company strives to set the highest standard in corporate governance as well as environmental, health and work safety compliance.
All ITM activities are carried out in close cooperation with the local societies and other stakeholders. Since its establishment, ITM has been recognized as a leading producer of coal and has built a diversified customer base.
The scope of ITM business includes coal mining operations, processing and logistics which are integrated in Indonesia. The company owns the majority of shares in fourteen subsidiaries and operates seven mining concessions in the island of Kalimantan, covering East, Central and South Kalimantan. ITM also owns and operates Terminal Batubara Bontang (Bontang Coal Terminal/BoCT), three loading ports and Bontang Power Plant.
Those fourteen companies are PT Indominco Mandiri (IMM), PT Trubaindo Coal Mining (TCM), PT Jorong Barutama Greston (JBG), PT Kitadin (Embalut & Tandung Mayang), PT Bharinto Ekatama (BEK), PT ITM Indonesia (ITMI), PT Tambang Raya Usaha Tama (TRUST), PT Nusa Persada Resources (NPR), PT Tepian Indah Sukses (TIS), PT ITM Batubara Utama (IBU), PT ITM Energi Utama (IEU), PT ITM Batubara Perkasa (IBP), PT Gasemas (GEM) and PT Energi Batubara Perkasa (EBP).
Latest PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk Job Vacancies
Coal Quality & Customer Services Job Vacancy
at Bontang in East Kalimantan
Job Responsible :
- Ensure monitoring report data quality production in daily basis
- Make database report of coal quality production & loading shipment
- Check and validation loading plan vs RQC before executing to costumer
- Check & verification result report analysis of loading shipment in ITM
- Coordinate with all mine site, 3rd party team and to minimize contamination of foreign material in the delivered products
Job Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree of Geology, Mining or Chemical Engineering
- Minimal 3 years of experience as QC coal production / Laboratory
- Good in Coal Quality & Management Stockpile, Coal Sampling, Preparation and Analysis
- Good communication and presentation skills
- Good in English Language and Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Kindly read the details and if you feel you are the one we are looking for, send us your application via email to
with subject LI CQ CB ITM
not more than March 31,2022