www.lowongankerjakaltim.info - Lowongan Kerja D3 S1 Januari 2014. Zambon Indonesia is a privately-held multinational pharmaceutical company. with headquarter in Bresso (Province of Milan), Italy. Founded in Vicenza in 1906 by Gaetano Zambon, the Zambon Group operates on a global basis through its subsidiaries and commercial partners, with activities organised by business area: pharmaceutical, chemical and biomedical products.
Zambon wishes to enrich the lives of people by responding to a steadily growing demand for health. Hence, Zambon stands out for its scientific and technological approach, and the successful operating mode based on the artful pursuit of innovation with scientific rigour, flexibility and performance quality.
Zambon relies on fundamental values, i.e. principles which are expected to guide the behaviour of company and people. Values are the prerequisites of our behaviours. For us, at Zambon, values are something worth committing ourselves to.
- Ethical values: integrity, honesty, consideration for other people, humility
- Personal values: develop talent and passion, be brave and curious, be strongly inclined to stay together. These values can be supported to benefit our professional lives.
- Professional values: innovative character, quality, responsiveness, discipline. These values benefit our strategies and help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves everyday.
Medical Representative
- Melaksanakan rencana-rencana bisnis dan mendorong tercapainya target-target penjualan
- Menguasai pengetahuan produk dan area penyakit; dapat menyampaikan fitur-fitur dan manfaat yang khas
- Akademi Kesehatan, Akademi Keperawatan, Sarjana (S1) Pertanian, Biologi, Kimia (MIPA), Farmasi, dan Gizi
- Usia maksimal 26 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 diutamakan S1 dengan IPK ≥ 2.75
- Pengalaman 1 - 2 tahun
- Berbahasa Inggris aktif/pasif
- Mempunyai hasil kerja yang nyata
- Pekerja keras, kreatif, dan menyukai tantangan
- Untuk area: Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan dan Mataram (Lombok)
Persyaratan umum
- Menyukai pekerjaan di luar ruangan
- Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM C
- Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
- Memiliki kemampuan belajar yang baik
- Inisiatif dan disiplin tinggi
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dilengkapi dengan CV dan Foto diri terbaru ke :
PT. Zambon Indonesia
Antam Office Park Tower B, 9th Floor
Jl. Letjen Simatupang No. 1
Jakarta Selatan 12530
Atau kirimkan email ke :
Lowongan Tayang @ Lowongan Kerja Kaltim Januari 2014.